The branding, and naming, of Pathway comes from the developmental evidence that kids are limited more by underexposure to examples of success, than they are by seemingly larger factors like race and income. To put it plainly, "You can't want what you can't see."

This metaphor shaped the brand's visuals. Using optical illusions, we show the path forward is merely a matter of perspective. And that's exactly what Pathway does by simplifying work-based learning programs, they reveal alternative employment, internship and educational options.

We amplified our message by countering traditional college-to-workplace thinking - instead focusing on self-discovery and motivation. The result is inspirational, simply by removing the shame of non-conformity.

Like Pathway, we took something complex and made it a quick-get. The new Pathway brand takes unforgettable imagery and pairs it with refreshing language to shift the mindsets of the audience.

Role: Creative Director, Designer,

CCO: Ross Phernetton      •     Agency: Shinebox


Medtronic • Clear


A.C.P. • Life Isn't A Fairytale