Role: Photographer, Art Director.
Producer: Angie Schoemer • Agency: Campbell Mithun
I shot Mardi Gras to launch Popeye’s Instagram channel.
This was way harder than it sounds. You see, I was there over Mardi Gras (That right there is a problem) and you can't sign a talent release form if you're drunk. Did I mention it's Mardi Gras? Yeah. But, that forced the creativity in the best way. This trip has a whole lot more stories though. Remind me to

Popeye's wanted their biscuits to be as iconic as McDonald's fries. So I suggested we through our own Biscuit Festival, have a baking showdown, and gather some content. Turns out Biscuit Fest already exists in Knoxville, Tennessee - so instead we joined it!
This event is awesome. They have a Biscuit Queen and there's even a biscuit love song contest. I talked these two bands into letting us use their tunes for some weird, web content. The crazy dude with his horrified daughters? Not only has he won the contest so many times they won't let him compete anymore (he hosts it now) but he's also, somehow, a lawyer. So he drafted the contracts for the bands on the spot. I mean, c'mon.
The Knoxville County Jug Stompers are fabulous too. They went on to win the contest that year.