Enki is the ancient Sumerian god of flowing water. He brought the Tigris and Euphrates rivers together - the birthplace of life. Eventually, he got sick of all the other gods taking credit and moved to Minnesota, where he brings people together with beer. It's a much better gig.

We were tasked with combining two feelings that don't usually play nice in the archetype wheel: high-end and friendly.

So to get to the high-end look we went with an ornate, gilded style based on the ancient, religious friezes. 

But if you look closely, these minor gods have really let their hair down. They're up to all sorts of hijinks: throwing keggers, disco dancing and fishing in swimming pools. Suddenly polytheism looks like friendly fun.

In the spirit of bringing people together, their icon is based on an ampersand. 

Because both Enki and us mere mortals know that friends & beer are always "Better Together."

It’s not too often that you can honestly say ancient Sumerian friezes were your inspiration, but there it is!

Let me know if you can see a difference.

Role: Concept, Creative Director

Illustrators: Lori Benoy & Christina Vang     •     Designer: Jack Wilcox


A.C.P. • Life Isn't A Fairytale


Arlo • Security Sets You Free